The condominium concept emerged in 1970 as a unique alternative to traditional apartment leasing and operating costs of the house. At first the idea - part ownership in a larger collective or association to include similar properties - gained traction in vacation destinations. Instead of forking over large amounts of money to expensive to buy beach property, for example, could a buyer to purchase a larger slice of a cake at an affordable price. And as an alternative to eternalBergen - which does not offer tax benefits or accumulation of capital - the owners could buy their apartments or holiday retreats, without buying an entire block.
Now the same idea has been around for the offices of traditional retailers, where a home office as an office building with two or more units of private property is defined. The rest of the property - for example, in the parking lot, landscape and lobby - is owned jointly and equally shared by the entire apartmentOwners. In other words, works, home of the owner of an office in the same way it works in a residential condominium, and the condition of the property are described in the statutes to accommodate the officers.
In 1990, developers in many cities around the country to build office space, to keep pace with the exploding high-tech industry. But then the sector has reduced the highest number of start-up "dot-com" companies that were to house the offices have closed down. Many of those expensiveThe projects were difficult to sell because demand evaporated in large office buildings, developers saddled with inventory and financial responsibility. They offered to sell offices piecemeal, rather than waiting for wealthy buyers who could afford to draw the entire building.
Suddenly the home office border was discovered, as innovative commercial brokers skyscrapers began to divide and sell individual office units or floors of office to seek, instead, the whole marketEnchilada. The concept caught on, and remains a viable alternative and less popular investment for companies or professionals who have registered their own, but not to build or buy an entire building to do this.
space cost in the loss of potential financial incentives usually weigh heavily in the combined choice of those who opt for the alternative system of Office. The control system most significant owners of Office on their property that thecompelling reason to buy, and list the tax advantages and economic benefits of other influences that contribute to their decision. If you rent, its ability to reshape and restructure may be limited by the flexibility of the landlord. And move if you wish, you may have missed penalties for short circuit of the lease. Even if you have time to cover the move with the end of the contract to enjoy capital appreciation will never know what to do with the possessionProperties.
Availability is another powerful issue, because someone will have to study a relatively small office in a variety of sizes and configurations available, even in the most popular parts of the city. Office condos are especially popular with those who settle in a particular place do, where to buy a property or construction of their own is not sustainable. Small professional firms can buy apartments in the area of 1200-50000 square meters large buildings in sports performanceMarkets such as New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or Washington, DC. Office, residential development is also reflected more often in mixed-use buildings in which they were designed for office and retail real estate condominiums on top of a proposed residential structure. You can use your house up, you open the wine bar downstairs, and your accountant or lawyer's office door company in the next visit home.
As the owner of the building too big for their original offices, often to buy another apartment in the building orBuying condominiums strategically located branch. With the ability to profit from market assessment, finance, many homeowners office and transfer its expansion through the sale of existing sites, for the first home owners to trade for bigger houses.
Currently, the market for office-home-is relatively new and somewhat untested. But as companies increasingly shift into a virtual online presence than a brick and mortar office, the great demand for officesfade, the study in favor of agile and adaptable office.
Flipping office condos may become the next bull market opportunity, and those who already own may be well positioned for the future. residential condominiums have been considered an investment vehicle of less than single-family homes, until about a decade ago. But then came and surpassed traditional homes in terms of popularity and investment performance.
No matter what kind of return on investment, condos officeare already comfortable and cheap, and these are the main reasons why many experts believe are the way of the future.
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