November 26, 2009

Muay Thai - Thai boxing and children

Known by many as Thai Boxing, Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand and is eagerly watched and followed by a large proportion of the population of the country. This form of hard martial art "is not just a sport, it is considered a form of entertainment, and makes for a fun evening for many visitors to Thailand, which never had a Muay Thai fight ahead.

What is Muay Thai?

Muay Thai is an ancient martial art that has its origins hundreds of years.Over the centuries, the sport has changed and developed something different forms of sport have over the years, from the origins of Muay Boran (ancient boxing) in the form of Thai boxing, which we see today developed.

Besides being a sports, Thai boxing is a form of warfare, and has been. Army have been trained in the art of Muay Thai, to protect the king, and with a story like this you can easily see how it has become such a highly regarded SportsThailand!

How does Muay Thai differ from western boxing?

Today, boxing you do not use their bare hands, as they used to, but gloves are very similar to those used in Western boxing. Apparently punching will be used if the gloves and punching the similarities between these two types of boxes end!

Muay Thai is often called "The art of eight limbs" because eight parts of the body are used by Muay Thai Boxing - with both hands, elbows, knees and pointedShins are all used. This is in contrast to western boxing, where there is only two parts, or two focal points - the fists.

For each point there are many different movements, which can use the Thai boxing, so this is an interesting and very technical sport, and one that is often learned early. Children regularly compete for titles at the same time, it is often the children who can draw the larger crowd, say some Western visitors that just goes to fight these young childrenagainst their values and beliefs.

Child Muay Thai Boxing

There is no doubt that just one night of Muay Thai is good entertainment, if there was competition on while you are visiting Thailand, you should try to see with and a few rounds at least, after all, and this is the country's sport!

Despite the entertainment value of some tourists may find it a little too controversial, if small children, including girls, who enters the ring andStart punching and kicking each other! This is not something you would expect that in the Western world, after all, and can see some tourists left a little shocked too. Why should their parents push them into a dangerous sport at such a young age? Will they then used the fact that parents and educators can make money from them? These are the sorts of issues that arise through the minds of many visitors, but there are both advantages and disadvantages in competition for children in Muay Thai.

ArgumentsChildren competing in Muay Thai

Although it may be, is debatable, there are indeed many advantages for children compete in Muay Thai. Here are just a few ...

Although Thailand is an emerging country, there are many people here who are fighting to make ends meet, working long hours for little money. By starting training at a young age and will be successful to win children's competitions, which can help pay for their education, providing food, clothing, books and morebe otherwise difficult to obtain.

Education should be compulsory up to grade 9 are missing so young children do not train every school and to fight, but if they are successful at the sport they continue to compete in their teens and adulthood, giving them a reasonable income.

Child boxers train extensively for their games. Rare injuries occur when children are trained so well in defense and agility.

Do with all the education that they,Child Boxer be kept very fit and healthy, probably a lot more Thai than other children.

Arguments against children compete in Muay Thai

The benefits sound good, but opponents argue that there are many drawbacks such as they, too, that the children are exploited by greedy parents, it is dangerous, they should enjoy their childhood, etc etc, and while these are valid points that they don ' t necessarily apply to every child Thai boxing.

SomeChildren can be exploited, but others are to be encouraged, because a parent or a coach could see the potential in them. It would be wrong to promote competition in such a young age, but that is not only in Thailand - the beauty pageants for young girls in North America that are very popular with some, could be invoked by others as exploitation, it is Thai boxing really so different?

Make up your own image by clicking on one of the Muay Thai dinner the next timeYou are in Thailand!

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